Being a Board member is not for everyone but every neighborhood has opportunities for all neighbors to get involved.
Here are some ideas that every neighborhood should have one or more of:
Landscape Committee
The landscaping committee is responsible for maintaining the community's Common Areas in accordance with the CC&R's and bylaws. This is accomplished in two ways. The first is common area inspections performed by the landscape committee. The second is the review by the committee of all potential landscape improvements, proposed changes, or landscape maintenance contract issues, which in turn will make recommendations to the Board.
Neighborhood Social Committee
The Neighborhood Events Committee provides the opportunity for and oversees community social and civic activities aimed at promoting and improving neighbor relations. Make recommendations to the Board.
Architectural Committee
An architectural committee's responsibility comes from the association's bylaws or CC&Rs. Members of the architectural committee are responsible for maintaining the aesthetic and structural integrity of the association and enforcing the CC&Rs. They should be reviewing any applications for modifications, additions, or architectural changes in the community. Make recommendations to the Board.
Block Captains - Need at least one per street in your neighborhood
These are key persons in any Neighborhood. This group is an integral component to keeping the blocks actively involved in crime prevention efforts, information exchange between neighbors. Want to pass out info or communicate with your neighbors, you need this group of people to make sure info is passed out on each block. Make recommendations to the Board.
Many neighborhoods need help managing the daily operation. If your neighborhood in search of HOA Management help, Our Community Management may be the missing piece. Contact us today to discuss your communities needs.
Our Community Management, LLC | CMCA
Phone: (214) 838-0868